When I was in grade school, they told me to write down what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I wrote down happy.

They told me I didn't understand the assignment,
I told them they didn't understand life

- Unknown

To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter... to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring - these are some of the rewards of the simple life. ~John Burroughs
You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need. ~Vernon Howard
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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Switchy Swatching From One Blog to Another...........

The last few days I've been switchy swatching posts between my three blogs that I write...this one, my fitat99 motivational one and my blog I'm writing in the Achilles Tendon Recovery support communtiy.  A few days ago I wrote one that I thought worked well in my motivational blog and today I think the one I wrote works well in this rather then rewrite it, I'll send you over there to take a read. is the place.  Lots of other people write blogs in that group and the encouragement and understanding of how we are all going through something so similar is so much help. Perhaps tomorrow I'll come here to Whimseys-Writings-and Thoughts and write something that might work at the other two sites.....Until then, have a wonderful productive day and I'll see you back here in a few days.

Life is a little tough right now....but today I'm in a good place :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh Norma, how you set the stage......for the decades in my life

In my last post, I mentioned I was taking a memoir writing class and that one of our assignments was to do a timeline of our life thus far from birth year to today.  And one of the writing assignments we were given was to write about 'My First Decade'.

When you do a time line on the Internet using websites such as you can title the search with your name and put the birth year and the current year and when you hit enter, it gives you a timeline of major events that have happened in your life thus far....pretty cool....makes you think......puts things in perspective.

To write a brief autobiography you choose a few major events in each decade and write about how they related to you, where you were, what you were doing when the events happened etc.  Following is my first stab at it......and this is how I started with my outline:

FIRST DECADE 1948-1958

YEAR                 MAJOR EVENT                     CONSEQUENCES

1948           33 1/3 RPM MUSICAL                 LOTS OF MUSIC

1949          45 RPM MUSICAL                        LOVE OF MUSIC

                          UNCONSTITUTIONAL          DULLED SEGREGATION

1957          SPUTNIK LAUNCHED              STARS NEW MEANING

1958         NASA ESTABLISHED               OFF WE GO INTO THE WILD
                                                                   BLUE WONDER
1958      STEREO LP RECORDINGS/                MUSIC IN HOME


This is my story......(some names have been left out to protect the innocent......but you know who you are)

It was a hot night in July 1947 at a diner in New Orleans when my Aunt and my Uncle, introduced her sister to his co-worker from the oil fields.  Her sister was divorced and had a 4 month old daughter.  She was not that eager to be on a blind date. But as the music came on the jukebox and Norma Deloris Egstrom purred out a sultry song, their eyes met and as the saying goes it was love at first site and the rest is history. From that first meeting into the depths of each others eyes, they were together everyday after that and were married a short 3 months later in October , 1947. In November of 1948 I came into this world as she delivered another baby girl and the name printed on my birth certificate is Peggy Lee Marie Stone. The first decade, like every decade of my life was filled with music. The year I was born was the start of 33 1/3 RPM recordings. 1949 brought the first 45 RPM recordings and skip forward to 1958, the last year of my first decade, there was the introduction of Stereo LP’s and FM Stereo Radio Broadcasts. Music was always in our home, so it isn’t a surprise that even today music, from Perry Como, Norma Egstrom, Benny Goodman, Jo Stafford and great jazz and big band sounds, is some of my favorite. It’s what I heard in the what I heard as a young child.

My dad was in the military and shortly after my first birthday, my mother set me in a wicker laundry basket and boarded a train to meet my dad at his new duty station in Indiana...the beginning of what would be many years of following dad from one duty station to another in the United States and overseas.
Out of my realm of understanding as a small child, in the first decade of my life, there was racial segregation and turmoil. I was 6 years old in 1954 and living in Japan when racial segregation was declared unconstitutional. But having lived those 6 years on military bases we never thought anything of playing with and going to school with children of other races. As a child I always envied my cousins who lived and still live in southern Louisiana for having roots in one place, since the military transfers did not allow that for my sister and I.  As an adult I don’t envy them that, because of the wonderful places I got to see in our travels, and because I was taught from the time I was very small to accept that people are equal regardless of their race. Children of the south, at that time, were taught the 'ways' of the south, ‘ways’ that took a great deal of adjustment and struggle in their mindset.

In 1955, we saw the invention of the Polio vaccine and as a military brat I was familiar with the multitude of shots that always had to be taken as we traveled across the states and overseas....and I remember well hearing parents discuss the fear of this disease and seeing the pictures of children with braces.... and the “series” of Polio vaccine that children had to take.

The stars took on new meaning and the world became bigger in the last two years of my first decade with the Russian “Sputnik” being launched in 1957 and the United States establishing NASA in 1958. Since my dad was in the United States Air Force....I always felt partial to the expression.... “Off we go into the wild blue yonder!”

When I think back to my first decade not only were the stars  in my parents eyes, but the stars opened up to new worlds yet explored. Even back then new strides were being made in the field of medicine and racial acceptance and peace. The music took on new feeling, recordings took on new size disks and new extremes of broadcasting and magnification even as Norma Deloris Egstrom's sultry song made my dad and mom fall in love.  I'm sure she wasn't aware of how her music affected them or her affect on my life.........Norma Deloris Egstrom was the birth name of the lady with the velvet voice , her agent changed her name to what we knew her as.....Peggy Lee. 
I’m told I wasn’t named after dad’s middle name is Lee....but hey it makes for a good story...and it’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Words that say it all....

I am reading a book right now  The Truth About Butterflies
by Nancy Stephan (I'm loving it so far).

  In the beginning of the book she has a quote by an unknown author that says:

     "There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept,
      things that we don't want to know but have to learn, people we
      can't live without but have to let go"

I've read those words over and over again because right now in what I'm going through and what I've been through in the last 4 or so months, I could not express my feelings any better than to use those words.

Let me take you back a few months to, oh  I guess maybe last August, 2012.  I was for the most part feeling pretty 'on top of the world'.  I had lost 50+ pounds, was more trim, fit and healthy than I think I've ever been in my life.  John and I had just finished out our 1st year of retirement and were loving our neighborhood and neighbors.  Except for the occassional bouts of arthritis my dad was going through and the nagging pain that kept persisting in the Achilles Tendon of my left heel, things were pretty great.  I was having the normal struggles people go through in trying to maintain my weight loss, but even in that area things were not going too bad although I had gained a few pounds just kept pushing a little harder at the gym and on my power walks....telling myself "no pain-no gain".....  and my heel just kept on aching.... and finally the tendon just demanded to be looked I went to a podiatrist. He put me in an orthodic that inserted into my tennis shoe and that seemed to help somewhat......for a while. My dad was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia *(I think)'ll realize as we go along here that there were several times he was admitted to the hospital some more serious than others and they kind of all ran together....during those times I went down and stayed with mom and through my own fault found myself not eating very healthy......and not going to a gym or doing much of any kind of workout. As my tendon became more inflammed I was put in a boot and then given cortizone shots.  In December we went on a cruise (in the boot) and for a week I allowed myself to indulge in the culinary delights that were offered....knowing full well when I returned I would have to hit the fitness classes with full force....and that I did. Then dad was hospitalized with gout, with pneumonia (again), with heart problems....Over the weeks that followed I learned very quickly that I ate when I was stressed, when I was bored, when I was bad eating habits were sneaking their way back in....and "there are things we don't want to happen, but have to accept".  We soon began to realize that dad was not getting any better and in fact was getting worse with each hospital stay, and "there are things we don't want to know but have to learn". All the while, although the swelling had gone down, my heel continued to hurt.  I tried acupuncture which cured a few other ailments I had but didn't do much for the damaged tendon. And once again dad was hospitalized and when I walked in the room of the hospital and he a clear voice...."please just make me comfortable and let me go".....I somehow knew he was speaking from his heart.  We tried everything we could do medically (to the extent that he was willing to do).  At his request he was transferred from a civilian hospital to a military hospital. When they did all they could do, they had him transferred to an Assited living/Rehab facility and we soon realized that we were wanting him to hold on 'for us' and that it was time to grant his wish and let him go, there are "people we can't live without, but have to let go".  And on March 1, 2013 at around 11:30 P.M., he passed peacefully from this world and we are comforted knowing that his heart is beating perfectly, none of his joints hurt, he has two healthy kidneys and he is taking in the crisp clean air of heaven with every breath. 

I was reminded that I eat when I am sad....and so the pounds have packed back on.  And still, in persistance, my Achilleds Tendon kept bugging me with I got a second opinion and with the help of x-rays and am MRI, it was decided that 25% of my tendon was torn, I had a fluid filled bursa behind it and a bone spur that was hitting it..........I chose to go ahead and have surgery done....which happened on March 27th. I am now in my 12th day of post-op, plopped in a wheel chair with my left leg/foot elevated on pillows taking medication for any pain and not doing much exercise. But today that is going to change.  I am going to get my weights and bands and at least do some seated upper body work.....and I'm making plans for a full careful, slowly paced, recovery that will get me back to a full workout program.

Perhaps I am just making a correlation when there really isn't one, but I look back to 2002 when my husband passed away in February of that year and the next week I was diagnosed with breast cancer.....I was wisked away to surgery, chemo and radiation and for the next 8 months spent more time trying to stay positive and beat/recover from this cancer that I did not have much time to grieve the loss of my husband...........and now my dad passes away and 26 days later I am in surgery and now trying to stay positive and recover from this surgery........which has taken my mind off painful grieving of the loss of my dad.  I don't know if it means anything, if there is any correlaton, but I do beleive that God works in mysterious ways and that he helps us get through....He never brings us to something without helping us through.  I know that when I am recovered fully from this surgery, I will be back at the gym getting fit and healthy.....because one thing my dad's illnesses taught me is that "if you want to keep moving, you have to keep moving" and that "you have to eat healthy".  I know that is a lot easier said than done, but I see people here in our community that are as old as my dad was, or older, who come to the gym and make every effort to keep their body moving. During the time that my dad was hospitalized I had a friend I went to high school pass away and a neighbor pass away......and it made it ever so clear that you just never know when your "time" may come.  You have to count your blessings and savor each moment of each day.  I can sit here and feel sorry for myself that I am not able to get up, walk around, or exercise.....or I can thank God that I found a good doctor who was able to repair my injury and accept the fact that the recovery will take a great deal of time, but when I am completely recovered, I will be, as I expressed in the beginning of this post, "on top of the world". This is a temporary test of my patience, for right now I have to be still.....and it makes me think of the words of the Lord, "Be still and know that I am God". 

I am a part of a memoir writing group and our assignment for our next meeting is to write something about the first decade of our I'm going to work on it and maybe it will become my next the meantime, have a wonderful day and keep your sunny side up!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Where have all the flowers gone?

It's been a long time since I posted...and a lot of things have happened in my life since I last posted.  I wrote a long long post on another blog site that I have hoping to do a copy and past onto this blog site to share the information with both "following" groups.  But for some strange reason, I cannot get it to copy over here.  So please go to to see that post.

I'll be back posting here in the next day or two because I need to find an outlet for my frustration (*see the other blog post and you'll understand what I mean).  Writing takes my mind off the situation I am in....writing is a warm blanket....writing is a friend....writing let's me be and express who I am.

See you on here soon....would love comments here and at the other site.